Thursday, September 17, 2020


          Technology advanced because of then people's need for convenience. the technological development is very much noticeable.While telephone and telegram were invented,there are still demands for advancement.This was made possible through the world's largest network-THE INTERNETt.The internet was the result of some visionary thinking by people in the early 1990s that saw great potential value in allowing computers to share information research and development in scientific and military fields

       The Internet has it's roots in a networking project started by the Pentagon's 
ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY(ARPA),an agency of the U.S Department of Defense.This is primarily to compete against UNION SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC(USSR now Russia) who successfully launched its first satellite- sputnik.
          The network called ARPANET (ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY NETWORK) became functional in October 25, 1869, linking scientific and academic researchers across the United States  

1973 - that the term "internet"was first ARPANET was linked with University of london(England,U.K) and Royal Radar Establishment (Norway)
1981 - Former U.S Vice-president Al Gore coined internet as the "information superhighway"

Today,the internet consists of many local,regional,national and international network.The internet is a worldwide network of computers that houses information on a multitude of subjects.
~WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW,W3 or simply "the web"),is one of the internet. It isa collection of interlinked information that is stored in the computers all around the world
~ the world wide web or www was developed in CERN- CONSEIL EUROPÉEN pour la Recherche nuclèaire .WWW wa opened to public in 1991

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          Technology advanced because of then people's need for convenience. the technological development is very much noticeable.While...

Hi everything'S